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NT’s a wrap!

NT’s a wrap!

Litchfield National Park is clearly the rich cousin to Kakadu. Tarred roads, paved paths and undoubtably more money ploughed into the infrastructure. Maybe this is why some prefer Litchfield; less rugged. We started our tour of Litchfield at Florence Falls

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The Top End is Different!

The Top End is Different!

The Territory is home to some interesting creatures. The mullet wearing, tattoo bearing, chain smoking, beer drinking, crocodile wresting beasts and creations with brains the size of a walnut, armoured exteriors and webbed feet. It’s also been said ‘you can’t tame them……

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Second Chances

Second Chances

The track into Winderabandi is legendary for its rough-as-guts, corrugated track. We’d heard all the horror stories from the travelling circuit, so were interested to see what the reality was. After lowering the tyre pressures, we began our way. It was slow going, but nothing worse than some other tracks we’d been on.

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Cruisin’ for the Covid Specials

Cruisin’ for the Covid Specials

It was good to be on the road again. In true Towns style, by the time we’d popped back into Denmark, picked up a few things and began on our way, it was dark by the time we pulled up to camp! After being in the house for 2 months, it felt good to be back in the van.

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Lockdown Life

Lockdown Life

After 10 days of what felt like a full throttle adrenaline roller-coaster ride to get to our safe haven, we decided to bunker down and take it easy for a couple of weeks while chaos reigned in the real world. I’ve said a few times now how houses make us lazy, but the haste in which we succumbed this time, even surprised me!

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Denmark Rescue

Denmark Rescue

Driving into Wilsons Promontory National Park, more fondly known as ‘The Prom’, was like a flashback to being in the UK. Cows grazing in the rolling green fields, a rugged backdrop decorating the horizon; had it not been such a sunny and warm day, you could have easily been transported.

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Back track to Victoria

Back track to Victoria

The following day was Reo’s actual birthday and we celebrated with a delicious cooked brekkie before heading down to the local swimming pool to meet up again with Aston and Taris for birthday water play. 3 hours of slides, inflatable fun and then an ice cream, we headed back to The Hemmings to pack up.

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Into The Blue

Into The Blue

Back on Australian soil, we headed to the booked Air BnB as we still needed to pick up Tinfish & Minty from their respective storage places. We’d been keeping a close eye on the fires while we were in the UK, but until we were back in the country, it was hard to determine the full extent of the reality…..

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Russian Doll Of Holidays

Russian Doll Of Holidays

With limited TV for the last year, the kids had their fill of movies after 24 hours on the plane and at the end of the flight, we all had a treat as we were invited into the cockpit for a look and chat with one of the pilots. We were feeling fairly dazed with our body clocks now upside down…..

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