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The Traveling Towns Family….  Where Have We Got To?


About Us

The Towns Clan; Alex, Maz, Lexi & Reo have started on a family adventure around Australia to explore this fabulous country. We’re hoping this special time together will forge stronger bonds and create fabulous memories for us all! Come follow us……


Also known as Townsy or Towns, he must be creeping past mid-forties by now?!?! Never one to just sit and relax, he always likes to be focused on some activity. His favourite response to the question; “What are you up to?” is “busy things”!! He turns his hand to most things and is Master of many. He’s of course very handsome, has a contagious laugh and a big happy smile.


Between running around after the kids & keeping Alex focused on the more important “busy things”, Mazley or mummy, mummy, keeps the family in order. A keen traveller with a preference for getting off the beaten track & far away from the crowds, you’ll never find her fenced in a caravan park. Always up for a challenge, she adds School Mistress to her repertoire for this adventure… perhaps her biggest endeavour yet!


Now 8 and a fabulous big sister to her brother. She’s independent, fun-loving, caring, nurturing and learning Tai Kwon-do to ensure she keeps her brother in line when needed! Keen to learn more about campfire cooking on this trip, I’m hoping by Month 3 she’ll be a regular in the kitchen and we’ll have slap up meals to order.


Our family clown, just turned 6. He’s cheeky and quit-witted, add a dollop of naughtiness with a twinkle of delight in his eyes, and you have our Little Fella. Luckily for him, his big Bambi eyes and a flutter of eyelashes many women pay top dollar for, gets him out of a lot of mischief!


Our Toyota Landcruiser 200 series, who is going to be doing a lot of the heavy lifting getting us round this fabulous country of ours. This is #2 model as Tinfish (the original) was getting a little tired. She’d taken us on many an adventure over the last 14 years, the main epic adventure was when we drove her from the UK through 28 countries to Australia, which is how we ended up here in the first place! If you want to read more about that trip…..


Our trailer / home for the trip and newest addition to our camping lifestyle. After Reo came along, 4 in a rooftop tent didn’t work so well and we took the plunge to ‘upsize’. Minty was our upgrade for the trip so we could be up and away at the crack of dawn (for those that don’t know us, but soon will, you will understand this is pure sarcasm, ‘crack of midday’ would be about right). For the uninitiated, she looks like a caravan, Minty is an off road trailer and designed to go anywhere the car goes… we will be putting this to test!!