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Denmark Rescue

Denmark Rescue

Driving into Wilsons Promontory National Park, more fondly known as ‘The Prom’, was like a flashback to being in the UK. Cows grazing in the rolling green fields, a rugged backdrop decorating the horizon; had it not been such a sunny and warm day, you could have...
Back track to Victoria

Back track to Victoria

The following day was Reo’s actual birthday and we celebrated with a delicious cooked brekkie before heading down to the local swimming pool to meet up again with Aston and Taris for birthday water play. 3 hours of slides, inflatable fun and then an ice cream, we...
Into The Blue

Into The Blue

Back on Australian soil, we headed to the booked Air BnB as we still needed to pick up Tinfish & Minty from their respective storage places. We’d been keeping a close eye on the fires while we were in the UK, but until we were back in the country, it was hard to...
Start Of The ‘Holding Pattern’

Start Of The ‘Holding Pattern’

Our plan of a quick dash round Alice Springs to refuel was stopped dead. We were now facing a significantly longer time back here. The breakdown trucked parked the van up at the back of the hotel we’d previously stayed at before taking Tinfish off to Toyota. Typically...
The Treeless Plain With Some Underwater Fun!

The Treeless Plain With Some Underwater Fun!

**NEWSFLASH** YOU CAN NOW SUBSCRIBE TO GET UPDATES FOR BLOGS. GO TO THE CONTACTS PAGE AND SUBSCRIBE!! **NEWSFLASH** Once again we were driving at night, although not ideal, we had actually planned it this way as we’d made arrangements to have dinner with Cam &...
Off for a little holiday

Off for a little holiday

“Up n Out”, the Towns moto that we’ve yet to achieve and doesn’t run strong in our bloodline. Nevertheless there’s nothing like the deadline of a Kangaroo Island ferry departure to focus the most lackadaisical minds! So we were up as the sun slowly crawled above the...