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Denmark Rescue

Denmark Rescue

Driving into Wilsons Promontory National Park, more fondly known as ‘The Prom’, was like a flashback to being in the UK. Cows grazing in the rolling green fields, a rugged backdrop decorating the horizon; had it not been such a sunny and warm day, you could have...
Back track to Victoria

Back track to Victoria

The following day was Reo’s actual birthday and we celebrated with a delicious cooked brekkie before heading down to the local swimming pool to meet up again with Aston and Taris for birthday water play. 3 hours of slides, inflatable fun and then an ice cream, we...
Oceans Four

Oceans Four

When we announced our ‘big lap’ plans to family and friends, we received many a varied response; from “Wow, what an amazing thing to do. I’d love to do it!”, to “OMG you’re mad!” and everything in-between. Just like our last trip, many shared they were happy to follow...
The Big Smoke

The Big Smoke

It was time to leave the serenity of Bonnie Doon and with a wave goodbye to Lake Eildon we headed to Melbourne, next stop James and Paulette’s (P for short). We arrived late afternoon, perfect timing for a bottle of champagne and nibbles to celebrate James and P...
False Start

False Start

The Tour had begun, out onto the open road, wind in our hair, Australia at our feet. OK, we weren’t really mimicking Thelma and Louise, that may be a slight exaggeration as we only had an hours drive ahead of us. We drove through the windy roads of Kosciuszko...